This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent information for your local use. Effective on 8 February 2023, this MILPER message supersedes reference B and will expire no later than 7 February 2024. Contact via Email. MILPER 23-055 has gone live with really important guidance! "Updating the ORB/SRB is no longer available through historical means. S1NET Message Summary - 23 May 23. hrc has published milper message 22-043, fiscal year (fy) 2022 united states army reserve officer (usar) senior service college (ssc) selection board. MILPER Message Number 23-068 Proponent AHRC-EPS Title Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) and the Sergeants Major Academy (SGM-A) Fellowship Program Cohort 10. We are utilizing the submission method of GEARS (AC – OCS TEAM). 12-380, MILPER Message 13-042 and MILPER Message No. The line of effort for processing early promotions related to the Soldier Referral Program (SRP) is changed from unit S1s to the US Army Human Resources Command. The following table depicts attendance at functional courses listed in DA PAM'hvluhg flyloldq hgxfdwlrq dqg fuhghqwldov %dfkhoru¶v ghjuhh ru kljkhu lq wkh iroorzlqj frqfhqwudwlrqv exvlqhvv kxpdq uhvrxufhv pdqdjhphqw ohjdoThis MILPER message will expire 30 May 2024 or upon the release of updated policies and AR 600-81. Contact via Email. 00% 5. The Army updated its guidance on CSP participation! Army MILPER 23-202. General: This message is used for Regular Army reclassification purposes in conjunction with above references. MILPER 23-094 New DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data: It is imperative that Soldiers keep a valid DD93 on file in iPERMS. 8K Members. requirement upon receipt of the ASI in accordance with MILPER Message 23-348, Update to Service Remaining Requirements (SRR) for Army Futures Command Emerging Technology Training Opportunities, Issued: 22 August 2023. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. For more information and a complete list, visit #23-032:…This MILPER message will expire no later than (NLT) 10 Sep 20. 2. . ASA (M&RA) ARMY DIR 2023-11. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. (Warrant Officer Procurement Program), 23 September 2019. MILPER MESSAGE 23-413, REGULAR ARMY PRECISION RETENTION, ISSUED: [10/4/2023 11:41:39 AM]. apocolocynopsis6 • 24 days ago. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. From MILPER Message 23-007, 6. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. Questions concerning the location of the new changed procedural guidance after the expiration of the message should be directed to the message proponent. 17. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. you are accessing a u. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL EDUCATION (ILE) Convenes: 14-Jun-23 Recess: 30-Jun-23 MILPER TBA . ; X = MOS will be boarded. BLC: RA Soldiers are scheduled by their respective organizations’ installation OML based on Army Directive 2021-17. S. Jobs People LearningTitle: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 5/22/2023 11:48:49 AMMilper 23-055 released basically stating small inconsistencies between SRB, AMHRR, and IPPSA won't have negative impact on individuals. This MILPER message announces changes to the Regular Army SRB. C. Unit S1s should refrain from submitting IPPS-A – Special Promotion PARs on this specific Special Promotion. MILPER is an online representation of the latest and up-to-date procedural guidance and information for the military community. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. Milper #: 21-007 Proponent: AHRC-PDV-PE Issued: 07 Jan. milper message 23-347, joint meritorious unit award to headquarters, special operations command europe, issued: [8/21/2023 11:02:17 am]. The effective date of this message is January 1, 2014. MILPER 23-094 was published providing guidance for the new DD93. Take the tough jobs early and knock out your ILE. Lol if someone could verify on the HRC Website that would be great. U. Once the results (through a MILPER message) get posted if selected they should be setting up candidates for school within 30 days of the selection for a projected date of 6-9 months. c8776 Created Date: 9/21/2023 3:20:23 PMDisclaimer. . The guidance was released on 9 Feb which was halfway through the FY23 SSG Evaluation and the board closed I believe 18 Feb. MILPER MESSAGE 20-307, FY21 US ARMY FEDERAL OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT, ISSUED: [9/24/2020 1:52:13 PM]. 4. Potter 2 Aviation Center of Building 101 Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362‐5000 MG David J. The effective date of this message is January 1, 2014. e. 09/03/2021. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:I have yet to see it. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 2. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration. ) 5/4/2023. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. 1. Reference A is rescinded on the effective date of this message. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. MILPER Message 23-022, Commanders / First Sergeants / Unit Human Resource Professionals, should be aware of the provisions outlined within this MILPER Message related to Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), weapon qualifications, and Distance Learning (DL) / Army e-Learning Courses. . This message is the FY 2024 announcement of the Interservice Physician Assistant Program (IPAP) board and solicits applications from regular Army (RA) and United States Army Reserve (USAR). PROCESSING OF PERSONAL EFFECTS BY THE JOINT PERSONAL EFFECTS DEPOT. Exact dates will be released in the zone message prior to each board. The HRC - G1/S1 touchpoint was initiated to provide a platform for G1/S1’s to directly communicate with Human Resources Command (HRC) professionals and the Functional Management Division IPPS-A team (FMD). This MILPER message will expire 12 May 2024 or upon the release of updated policies and AR 600-81. The WBA, within the SRB program, was established to provide the Army with an agile and flexible process to incentivize Soldiers. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:milper message 23-411, guidance for conducting ask care escort suicide intervention training (ace-si), issued: [10/2/2023 11:56:33 am]. Army soldier from the 197th Special Troop Company (Airborne), Utah Army National Guard, Draper, Utah, prepare to conduct a static airborne operation over the drop zone, Global One, Fairfield, Utah, March 15, 2012. a. They said it’s taking longer than expected. THE ADJUTANT GENERAL (TAG) SENDS: ENLISTED PROMOTIONS, IPERMS UPDATE, AND MORE, 1 MAY 23. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. Decisive Action Rotations at the National Training Center ensure. This message will expire no later than 21 December 2021. This MILPER message announces changes to the Regular Army Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) program. MILPER Message Number 23-017 Proponent DAPE-AR Title Guidance for Conducting Confirmatory Body Fat Percent Assessment for the Army Body Composition Program (ABCP). Go Live PAI, previously scheduled from 15 October – 15 November 2022 as identified in Key Task 9, Annex L, FRAGO 5, DA EXORD 009-16, has been postponed due to the delay of IPPS-A Release 3 Go Live. SERGEANT/STAFF SERGEANT PROMOTION BOARD GUIDANCE. The line of effort for processing early promotions related to the Soldier Referral Program (SRP) is changed from unit S1s to the US Army Human Resources Command. Due to the needs of the Army, the SECARMY has. There will be a link to a checklist in that MILPER. 9. Effective 8 Feb 23, this MILPER message supersedes reference D and will expire no later than 7 Feb 24. Check out this video for a quick explanation. 2, 14 sep 06. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent. USD (A&S) 703-693-7986. OCS 23/24 Selects Chat. What it Provides: MILPER MESSAGE INDEX was designed to provide a quick, efficient means to impart new procedural guidance and information to the field user. An alphabetical listing of all NCOs found Most/Fully Qualified (MQ/FQ) by the board will be posted to the HRC website at 0730. MILPER Message 19-263, AHRC-EPF-R, 23 Aug 19, subject: Regular Army Precision Retention. This message will expire no later than 23 March 2023. A. Where is the FY23 US Army Federal Officer Candidate School Program Announcement? Hello, I keep looking for the MILPER Message but I have not seen it. S. milper message 21-092, academic year 2022-2023 military intelligence programs and advanced civil schooling, issued: [3/23/2021 8:41:15 am]. Title Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) Program. Questions concerning the location of the new changed procedural guidance after the expiration of the message should be directed to the message proponent. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. Phase III: Transition to Soldier Talent Profile v2 – late 2023 with a specific date TBDThis is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. . The current Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) Program, MILPER Message 20-321, is set to expire on 8 Jan 2021. Some of the formatting of the original message may have been altered. milper message 22-398, fy2023 post go live army wide personnel asset inventory (pai), issued: [10/13/2022 10:42:43 am]. milper message 23-397, fy24/25 u. C. 1. Command. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to: Contact via Email. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. In accordance with Army Directive 2021-17 Paragraph 5. Last Successful Login: "2023-11-23T01:28:37. Top 10% Rank by size. S. Issued:[1/7/2021 3:49:38 PM]. #22-265: Fiscal Year 2023 Reserve Component, Lieutenant Colonel, Chaplain Corps, Army National Guard of the United States, Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve, and Army Reserve Non-Active Guard Reserve, Competitive Categories, Promotion Selection Board Zones of ConsiderationMILPER Message Number . Phone. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. Last I heard regarding the May panel board was that it took months to receive notice. 1. Army? If so, you should check out this official document that outlines the eligibility criteria, application procedures, and selection process for the Warrant Officer Selection Board (WOSB) scheduled for March 2023. 1. On 24 February 2023, Secretary of the Army (SA) Christine E. By Army National Guard May 23, 2023 No comments. During this time that you are in the process of putting. Unit S1s should refrain from submitting IPPS-A – Special Promotion PARs on this specific Special Promotion. 1. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 1. The line of effort for processing early promotions related to the Soldier Referral Program (SRP) is changed from unit S1s to the US Army Human Resources Command. The request provides basic pay for mobilized Reserve and Guard officer personnel. . Title: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 3/24/2023 12:45:04 PMUnited States Army Human Resources Command in Boydton, VA Expand search. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. r/ArmyOCS. Stay competitive. Reference A is rescinded on the effective date of this message. SERGEANT/STAFF SERGEANT PROMOTION BOARD GUIDANCE. Contact via Email. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. MILPER MESSAGE 23-099, AMENDMENT TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER THREE (CW3), CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FOUR (CW4), AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FIVE (CW5), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED:. This message announces the academic year (AY) 22-24 Army War College Distance Education Program (AWCDEP) enrollment window for all eligible Army Competitive Category (ACC). Soldiers serving in the Regular Army (RA) may reclassify into specific critical military occupational specialties (MOS) identified in the SMAPP. 1,094 103,714 113,462. Purpose: this message solicits applications from qualified active duty and reserve. Essentially that's what's happening right? Are the Reserves and National Guard really hurting that bad for 03's? MILPER MESSAGE 23-074, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) RESERVE. A place to discuss selection to and preparation for U. US ArmyFor questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. Army soldier from the 197th Special Troop Company (Airborne), Utah Army National Guard, Draper, Utah, prepare to conduct a static airborne operation over the drop zone, Global One, Fairfield, Utah, March 15, 2012. From HRC Military Schools Branch: Please see the fact sheet and FAQs at the following link regarding questions about ALC and the scheduling process. Downing Scholarship. The following timelines apply to the discharge or release from active duty of an eligible Service member during key. Army Federal Officer Candidate School. I typed mine and it was accepted for the BN board. Questions concerning the location of the new changed procedural guidance after the expiration of the message should be directed to the message proponent. A. Reference A is rescinded on the effective date of this message. yuch1102 • 1 yr. Please note,. milper message 23-037, amendment to the fiscal year 2023 (fy23), brigadier general (bg), chaplain corps (ch), promotion selection board, zones of consideration, issued: [1/25/2023 11:58:57 am]. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. It provides the eligibility criteria, application instructions, board composition, and selection process for USAR AGR. Can anyone provide clarification to an Army Newbie? MILPER 22-492. Unit S1s should refrain from submitting IPPS-A – Special Promotion PARs on this specific Special Promotion. From BG Gregory S. ACTIVE. Milper #: 21-008 Proponent: AHRC-EPC-Q Issued: 11 Jan 2021 Expires: 11 Jan 2022 Subject:Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) Enlisted Aide Selection Panel Announcement Message . In short, an AR tells you what the rules are, and the DA PAM tells you how to comply with the rules. Seek out the opportunity to serve as a Battalion Executive Officer or S-3. If that’s an indicator for Octobers list then hopefully we get a message by February. Current ALARACT and MILPER Messages. Pub/Form Title. MILPER Message 23-038. Contact via Email. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. HRC - G1/S1 TOUCHPOINT, A/O 20230301. h. Stay updated with the latest ALARACT and MILPER messages. for the FY23 Veterinary Corps Food Safety Warrant Officer Training Program. ARMY COMBINED ARMS SUPPORT COMMAND VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, MASTER OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVANCED CIVILIAN SCHOOLING PROGRAM, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 11:43:38 AM]. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. 1. c. MILPER Message 23-038. MILPER MESSAGE 23-039, FY 2023 ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC) INTERMEDIATE LEVEL EDUCATION (ILE) SELECTION BOARD AND PROCESS FOR SUBMITTING ILE RESIDENT ATTENDANCE PREFERENCES, ISSUED: [1/26/2023 12:23:27 PM]. The FY23 Military Personnel document provides detailed information on the budget request and allocation for the Air Force and Space Force personnel programs, including pay, allowances, incentives, and benefits. United States Army Human Resources Command. milper message 23-037, amendment to the fiscal year 2023 (fy23), brigadier general (bg), chaplain corps (ch), promotion selection board, zones of consideration,. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS OFFICER CANDIDATES SCHOOL TRAINING COMMAND 2189 ELROD AVENUE QUANTICO VA 22134—5033 From: Commanding Officer, Officer Candidates SchoolMILPER MESSAGE 23-135, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), COLONEL (COL), ARMY NURSE CORPS (AN), MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS (MS), ARMY MEDICAL SPECIALIST CORPS (SP) AND VETERINARY CORPS (VC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [4/18/2023. s. 132,896 109,765 113,462. Board Dates. Title: MILPER Author: brandon. OCS and applies to FY21 OCS mission requirements and HQDA. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 41% 0. d. Issued: [2 March 2023]. Pub/Form Number. MILPER is an online representation of the latest and up-to-date procedural guidance and information for the military community. 2. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. For more information on the PAI, refer to MILPER Message 23-057. Many ARs have punitive consequences for violating or failing to comply. It will have everything you need to know. Read the MILPER for all eligibility and procedural requirements, but officer 'My Board Files' are open NOW! All officers must go into the portal and indicate whether they are opting in or out. Interim Policy and Guidance for the Use of Chemical and Biological Defense Program Funding. CONVENE. AR stands for Army Regulation, and is basically the laws the Army has developed to govern how the Army operates. Subject:Academic Year (AY) 21-23 Army War College Distance Education Program (AWCDEP) Enrollment Window . If true, hope it's more like LP1 and 3 compared to 2. MILPER MESSAGE 23-260, SPECIAL MOS ALIGNMENT PROMOTION PROGRAM (SMAPP), ISSUED: [7/11/2023 8:07:33 AM]. MILPER Message 15-270. AdEffective5520 • 13 hr. Failure to meet deadlines may delay an applicant's packet to a later WOSB than desired. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. . Contact via Email. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. MILPER Message 18-347). U. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. I will tell you my scores were dramatically lower than those above besides the OPAT. AdditionalMILPER MESSAGE 23-454, AMENDMENT TO MILPER 23-306, SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2024 BRIGADIER GENERAL, ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (FY24 BG, ACC, PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [10/27/2023 8:01:30 AM]. Close. • Is effective January 4, 2023; it must be incorporated into DoDI 1327. My recruiter didn’t require a handwritten one. But the. The MILPER Message Index is a web presence that allows Soldiers to download or print the content of the message. The CY23 SB slate was publicly released at 0900 (EDT) on 22 August 2022 and is available in this. Please note,. DTM-23-005. So under section 5(h) of the message it states, "The program remains open to all Army branches, FAs, AOCs, and MOSs, but IST-Out requests remain closed for Cyber, Public Affairs, Network Engineers, Aviation Warrant Officers and Special Forces Warrant Officers at all grades. The most recent MILPER Message is MILPER 14-037. I’m tracking there was one Sept as well but it’s obvious it wasn’t going to be out by Oct 1st. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. BACKGROUND: In accordan ce with MILPER 22-489 Paragraph 4. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. What it Provides:Title: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 8/9/2022 9:31:38 AMWelcome to MILPER Message Index. 02/02/2022. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. Today, the Army formally released ALARACT 007/2023 – Expansion of the Military Parental Leave Program, which authorizes 12 weeks of parental leave for birth, adoption, or placement of a long-term foster child. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. OFFICER PROMOTION ITEMS. (4) which was released in January, all OCS applicants must: Have accumulated no more than 10 years of active federal service (AFS) when appointed as a commissioned officer. MILPER 22-492 : r/ArmyOCS. A. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. Any changes to the SRB program will be announced in. Enlisted Soldiers must reenlist prior to PCS to meet the SRR. DSN Phone Number: 983-9500. BLUF: SOLDIERS ARE NOW AUTHORIZED TO WEAR THE PRESCRIBED NAMEPLATE ON THE AGSU. . 10/30/23, 10:00 AM MILPER 6/7 upon being appointed a Warrant Officer. . AR 614-200 (Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management), 25 January. MILPER 22-492 . 02/02/2022. Army Soldier assigned to 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard, clears a mine field protecting an objective during Decisive Action Rotation 18-07 at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, Calif. . The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. For questions regarding MILPER Messages, please contact the proponent of the MILPER Message or the US Army Human Resources Contact Center. MILPER MESSAGE 23-348, UPDATE TO ENLISTED SERVICE REMAINING REQUIREMENTS (SRR) FOR ARMY FUTURES COMMAND FISCAL YEAR 24 EMERGING TECHNOLOGY TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES, ISSUED: [8/22/2023 8:59:34 AM]. î )rup wdnh xu '' )rup wr vfkrro 7kh 5hvxowv ri 0hglfdo ([dplqdwlrq pxvw eh qr pruh wkdq prqwkv rog iurp wkh gdwh vljqhg e wkh h[dplqlqj skvlfldq wkurxjk wkh surmhfwhg :2&6disclaimer. This message is to announce the promotion authority for Soldiers promoted under the Army Soldier Referral Program (SRP). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 18 to 24 years old. Inside the BN area are a mile long PT track, weight training equipment, Crossfit equipment. By Army National Guard March 04, 2023 No comments. MILPER MESSAGE 23-028, FY 2023 ARMY SOCIAL WORK INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SWIP) APPLICATION PROCEDURES, ISSUED: [1/20/2023 10:57:16 AM]. Pub/Form Proponent. milper message 22-007, academic year (ay) 22-24 army war college distance education program (awcdep) enrollment window, issued: [1/6/2022 9:26:18 am]. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 was enacted. ALARACT 068/2021. AR 614-200 (Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management), 25 January 2019. ADVANCED LEADER COURSE (ALC) FACT SHEET AND FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ). Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. DTM-23-004. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. NAMEPLATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE THROUGH VARIOUS. This MILPER message applies to all Active Component (AC) and U. Same boat -Fort Drum. That was the MILPER for this past in-service board. Note: For direct appointment and direct commissioning, the application process remains the same. AC OFFICER PROMOTIONS BY-NAME LIST FOR. MILPER MESSAGE 23-212, AMENDMENT 2 TO MILPER 23-079 FY23 ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC) ARMY JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL’S CORPS (JAGC) SENIOR SERVICE COLLEGE (SSC) SELECTION BOARD ZONE MESSAGE, ISSUED: [6/6/2023 8:43:41 AM]. FY 23 ILE Enrollment Guide. Enlisted Soldiers attending the fiscal year 23 or later programs of the Army Software Factory (ASF) or the Army Artificial Intelligence-Cloud Technician (AAICT) will. 2, 14 sep 06. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. The board results have been released, ALNAV 038/22. Phone Number: 1-888-ARMYHRC. The MILPER Message 23-355 was released today outlining application guidance for the renowned Army-University of Kentucky (UK) Master of Social Work (MSW) program at the Army Medical Department Center & School (AMEDDC&S). This MILPER message rescinds MILPER Message 19-246 and all previous MILPER Messages related to. Pub/Form Date. Issued:[1/7/2021 3:49:38 PM]. This MILPER message announces changes to the Regular Army Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) program. Program Description: The General Wayne A. Can you drop the link. AR 350-51. This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the relevent and pertinent. 07/7/2023. 09/03/2021. The content of a MILPER Message is rescinded on the expiration date. Additional guidance is provided on submission of Administrative System Correction (ASC). This web presence will allow you to download and print or file the. BOARD. government (usg) information system (is) that is provided for usg-authorized use only. Continue browsing in r/ArmyOCS. S. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. A. 2. 1. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. Issued: [1/12/2023 1:21:49 PM]. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. AdditionalMILPER MESSAGE 23-175, SOLDIER REFERRAL PROGRAM BY-NAME LIST FOR EARLY PROMOTION ADVANCEMENT AND THE AWARD OF THE ARMY RECRUITING RIBBON MARCH-MAY 2023, ISSUED:[5/16/2023 9:16:07 AM]. ago. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to: Contact via Email. This message is to announce the Soldiers who appear on the Soldier Referral Program By-Name List. GOVERNMENT (USG) INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS) THAT IS PROVIDED FOR USG-AUTHORIZED USE ONLY. Any changes to the SRB program will be announced in a subsequent MILPER message. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. MILPER Message 22-402 for additional information (click HERE). MILPER Message Number 21-007 Proponent AHRC-PDV-PE Title Official Release of the FY21 Regular Army (RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) SFC Evaluation Board Results. army federal officer candidate school program announcement, issued: [9/27/2023 9:55:48 am]. MILPER MESSAGE 23-078, FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) COLONEL (COL) AND LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) SLATE PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [3/7/2023 11:25:02 AM]. 2. Subject SFC Evaluation Board. operation order 24-007 (united states army reserve command (usarc) support to fiscal year (fy) 2024 united states army reserve (usar), active guard reserve (agr) accessions panel, army reserve component (rc) officer candidate school (ocs) accession panel, and army reserve reappointment panels (reap)). HQ, US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) will convene a competitive accession. Convenes: 01-Aug-23 Recess: 11-Aug-23 MILPER TBA. Pub/Form Number. Francis 2The lists of Officers selected to attend BCAP25 and CCAP25 have been posted on the Command Management Division webpage. Paragraph 2 in MILPER Message 22-505, issued 23 Dec 22 is amended to read: A selection board is scheduled to convene on or about 22 Feb 23 to consider. MILPER MESSAGE 23-148, 2ND AMENDMENT TO MILPER MESSAGE 23-109, 23 MARCH 2023, SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CALENDAR YEAR 2024 (CY24) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) STRATEGIC BILLET (SB) ASSIGNMENT INTERACTIVE MODULE (AIM2) SPECIAL MARKETPLACE, ISSUED:. For more information and a COMPLETE list, visit. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. MILPER MESSAGE 23-007, FY23 US ARMY FEDERAL OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT, ISSUED: [1/5/2023 2:54:10 PM]. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. Purpose: This is an online representation of MILPER MESSAGE INDEX to provide the most recent and up-to-date information to the military community. 2. Issued: [2 March 2023]. Pub/Form Number. MILPER Message 20-434, AHRC-EPF-R, 23 December, 2020, subject: Selective Retention Bonus (SRB) Program. 1. D. 5/4/2024. 70th Regiment (Leader) February 2, 2022 ·. Welcome to MILPER Message Index. Frequent posting renders the most recent publications obsolete quickly. The board dates will be September 2022 and the results won't post till roughly December 2022 /January 2023. c. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:should be aware of the provisions outlined within this MILPER Message related to Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), weapon qualifications, and Distance Learning (DL) / Army e-Learning Courses. Frequent posting. If you need to publish a MILPER Message, send it to:Welcome to MILPER Message Index.